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000456_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Wed Jun 28 23:17:08 1995.msg
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From: "Glenn M. Lewis - MPG DA ~" <glewis@pcocd2.intel.com>
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Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 23:21:07 PDT
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To: Jean Wasp <jean@sonic.net>
Cc: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: Beginner
In-Reply-To: Jean Wasp's message of 28 Jun 1995
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Jean> Hi all..I am a newcomer to Lightwave and was wondering what the
Jean> best source of tutorials or projects is for learning the
Jean> rudiments of the program...anyone have any ideas? Thank sin
Jean> advance for responding...jean
Hygiene! (Sorry, I couldn't resist after your "Thank sin..." :-)
I'm pretty much in the same boat... here is what I've
done... I had "LightWave Essentials 4000", and that is an excellent
overview... it is a video by Lee Stranahan (who listens in on this
list and is active on Usenet... Hi, Lee!) From there, I bought 3 of
his other tapes: Modeler I&II, and "Displacement Mapping, Bones, and
Morphing". All are excellent tapes, and contain great tips and
tricks. (I think now that I have viewed them all twice, I am ready
to sell them to help recover some of my expenses, so if you are
interested, send e-mail.)
I also got a year's subscription to the LIGHTWAVEPRO
"newsletter", although it seems much more like a "magazine" to me.
I'm looking forward to getting my first issue...
I also ordered a year's subscription to LIGHTSPEED, the video
"magazine", plus the disk. I haven't got that yet either.
I also ordered Mark Thompson's CD-ROM and video on how he
made "Fred Floaty", and I haven't yet received that one either.
(Sheesh, it appears that I have dumped a lot of money into
this. I guess I'm fired up about LW!!! :-)
These are all excellent resources, from what I understand.
If you want contact information for any of these, feel free to e-mail
me and I will dig up the information.
-- Glenn Lewis
Glenn Lewis | glewis@pcocd2.intel.com | These are my opinions...not Intel's
"Glenn M. Lewis - MPG DA ~" <glewis@pcocd2.intel.com> sent this message.
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